Core Values

Why do we Exist?

For the salvation of souls.

Core Values

  • Zeal for Souls – We evangelize regularly, and look for opportunities to bear witness to Jesus (CCC 905).
  • Orthodoxy – We cultivate peace with the universal and local Church authorities, and our formation conforms to Divine Revelation, the doctrine of the Church in continuity with her whole Tradition.
  • Sold out for the Mission – We fully believe in the mission of the apostolate and carry it out through street evangelization, formation, and/or prayer, according to our charisms and states of life.

Aspirational Values

  • Prayerful – We are committed to becoming great saints, beginning with prayer. 
  • Open to Holy Spirit – We are committed to doing God’s will, which comes from openness to movement of Spirit who Himself guides and heals. 
  • Hopeful – We are committed to the belief that God knows how to save His people. 
  • Humble of Heart – We are committed to humility in dealing with one another and those we evangelize.
  • Person-oriented – We are committed to service in all of our activities. Our work is about direct and relational evangelization.

What do we do?

We train, equip, and mobilize Catholic disciples for the urgent work of evangelization.


How do we Succeed?

  • St. Paul Street Evangelization – Working with God for the conversion of souls through the proclamation of the Gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • St. Paul School of Evangelization – Providing a launching pad for training and equipping Catholic disciples in pragmatic and practical approaches to evangelization in ministry and their everyday life.
  • St. Paul Society of Evangelization – A religious community of men that has dedicated their lives to the charism of evangelization in the local secular community in which they serve.